قاعدة الوحدة السابعة ثاني متوسط
صفحة 58 و 59
We use there is for a singular object in the present tense and there are for plural objects in the present.
نستخدم there is للمفرد في زمن المضارع و there are للجمع في زمن المضارع.
In the past tense we use there was for a singular object and there were for plural objects
في زمن الماضي نستخدم there was للمفرد there were للجمع.
There was is used when you refer to one thing or person.
تستخدم there was عندما نعني شيء واحد او شخص واحد.
For example: There was an accident
مثال : كان هنالك حادث.
There were is used when you refer to more than one thing or person.
نستخدم there were عندما نعني عدة اشياء او عدة اشخاص.
For example: There were three accidents this week.
مثال : كان هنالك ثلاثة حوادث هذا الاسبوع.
استخدام Why / Because
نستخدم كلمة Why كاداة استفهام عند السؤال عن السبب
أما كلمة Because وتعني لأن و تستخدم بالاجابة عن السؤال بـ Why
Why is the police officer
Because the boy wasn't hurt.
Why is Nawal angry?
Because the girl ate her
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