حل التمارين صفحة 60 و 61 Grammar
شرح قاعدة الوحدة السادسة ثالث متوسط
صفات المقارنة
This car is certainly better, but it's much more expensive.
هذة افضل بالتأكيد, ولكنها اكثر غلاءً
I'm feeling happier now.اشعر انني أسعد الان
We need a bigger garden نحن نحتاج حديقة اكبر
نستخدم than عندما نريد مقارنة شيء بآخر:
She is five years older than me.انها اكبرمني بخمس سنوات
Riyadh is much bigger than Hial.الرياض اكبر بكثير من حائل
He is a better player than Majed Abdullah.انة لاعب افضل من ماجد عبدالله
Saudia is a bigger country than Britain.السعودية دولة اكبر من بريطانيا
Riyadh is much bigger than Hial.الرياض اكبر بكثير من حائل
He is a better player than Majed Abdullah.انة لاعب افضل من ماجد عبدالله
Saudia is a bigger country than Britain.السعودية دولة اكبر من بريطانيا
الصفات التفضيلية
Superlative Adjectives
الصفات الفائقة هي الصفات التي تصف سمة الشخص أو الشيء الأعلى (أو الأدنى) في الدرجة مقارنة بأعضاء مجموعة الاسم. تشبه الصفات التفضيلية الصفات المقارنة ، إلا أنها تعبر عن أقصى درجات المقارنة ، ولا يتم استخدامها إلا عند الحديث عن مجموعات من ثلاثة أشخاص أو أكثر أو أشياء.
Planes are the fastest.
Plane tickets are the most expensive.
شرح قاعدة الوحدة السادسة صفحة 60 و 61 ثالث متوسط
A. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the adjectives.
1. The downtown area is usually noisier (noisy) than the suburbs.
2. The hospitals in cities are usually better (good) than ones in the country.
3. Public transportation is less frequent_(frequent) at night than during the day.
4. My hometown has the cleanest (clean) air of all the towns in this country.
5. Many people say that Sao Paulo has the worst _ (bad) traffic in the world.
6. The subway is more crowded (crowded) at rush hour than at other times.
7. Housing is usually less expensive (expensive) in the country than in the city.
8. The cost of living in small towns is usually cheaper (cheap) than in big cities.
B. Write sentences with as...as.
The Maxi camera is easy to use. The Digitron model is just as easy.
The Maxi camera is just as easy to use as the Digitron.
1. The Flash computer is fast. The XYZ model is just as fast.
2. Majid is a smart young man, and so is his brother Nasr.
Majid is as smart as his brother Nasr
The flash computer is just as fast as the XYZ model
Majid is as smart as his brother Nasr
3. This red car is expensive. The blue car is less expensive.
The blue car isn't as expensive as the red car
4. Rome is an amazing city, and so is Paris.
Rome is as amazing as Paris
اعمل سؤال غير مباشر
C. Work with a partner. Make indirect questions. Use Do you know…? or Could you tell me…?
1. Where is the main post office?
Do you know where the main post office is?
2. How often do the buses come?
Could you tell me how often the buses come?
3. What time does the bank open?
Do you know what time the bank opens?
4. Where is the nearest pharmacy?
Could you tell me where the nearest pharmacy is?
5. Who can give us directions?
Could you tell me how often the buses come?
6. Which way is the center of town?
Do you know which way the center of town is?
7. When does the gas station close?
Could you tell me when the gas station closes?
8. What is the name of the highway to town?
Do you know what the name of the highway to town is?
D. Complete the conversation. Use comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives. Then practice the conversation with a partner.
A: In your opinion, what is the _best___ (1. good) restaurant in town?
B: I think it’s Antonio’s.
A: I disagree. Antonio’s isn’t as _good__ (2. good) as Gino’s. Gino’s has _better__ (3. good) pasta than Antonio’s.
B: But Antonio’s is always crowded.
A: Of course. It’s the _most popular__ (4. popular) restaurant in town. But it is still not the _best______ (5. good) place to eat.
B: So, can you tell me where the _best__ (6. good) food in town is?
A: In my opinion, it’s at 209 Mulberry Street.
B: But that’s where you live. A: Exactly. No one’s cooking is as good as my mom’s.
شرح قاعدة الوحدة السادسة صفحة 60 و 61 ثالث متوسط
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